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Vetensakpliga publikationer

Nedan finner Ni mina vetenskapliga publikationer med länkar, om Ni skulle vilja ha fulltexten men inte får tag i den så är det bara att maila mig

  • Holm L., Dideriksen K., Nielsen Rie., Doessing Simon., Bechshoeft R., Hojfeldt G., Moberg M. et al. (2019) An exploration of the methods to determine the protein-specific synthesis and breakdown rates in vivo in humans. Physiological Reports DOI:10.14814/phy2.1414

  • Edman S., Söderlund K., Moberg M., et al. (2019) mTORC1 Signaling in Individual Human Muscle Fibers Following Resistance Exercise in Combination With Intake of Essential Amino Acids Front. Nutr. 6:96

  • Moberg M., Hendo G., Jakobsson M., et al. (2017) Increased autophagy signalling but not proteasome activity in human skeletal muscle after prolonged low-intensity exercise with negative energy balance. Physiological Reports 5(21) e13518

  • Rundqvist H., Esbjörnsson M., Rooyackers O., Osterlund T., Moberg M., Apró W., Blomstrand E., Jansson E. (2017) Influence of nutrient ingestion on amino acid transporters and protein synthesis in human skeletal muscle after sprint exercise. J Appl Phys. Aug 31:jap.00244.2017

  • Andersson EA., Frank P., Pontén M. Ekblom B., Ekblom M., Moberg M., Sahlin K. (2017) Improving Strength, Power, Muscle Aerobic Capacity, and Glucose Tolerance through Short-term Progressive Strength Training Among Elderly People. J Vis Exp. Jul 5;(125)

  • Samuelsson H.,Moberg M., Apró W., et al. (2016) Intake of branched-chain or essential amino acids attenuates the elevation in muscle levels of PGC-1α4 mRNA caused by resistance exercise. Am J Physiol Endocriniol. Jul 1;311(1):E246-51

  • Moberg M., Apró W., Ekblom B., et al. (2016) Activation of mTORC1 by leucine is potentiated by branched chain amino acids and even more so by essential amino acids following resistance exercise. Am J Physiol Cell. Jun 1;310(11):C874-84

  • Kaizor Z., Willis S., Moberg M., et al. (2016) Endurance exercise enhances the effect of strength training on muscle fiber size and protein expression of Akt and mTOR. PLOS One. Feb 17;11(2).

  • Apró W., Moberg M., Hamilton DL., et al. (2015) Leucine does not affect mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 assembly but is required for maximal ribosomal protein s6 kinase 1 activity in human skeletal muscle following resistance exercise. FASEB J. Oct;29(10):4358-73.

  • Apró W., Moberg M., Hamilton DL., et al. (2015) Resistance exercise induced S6K1 kinase activity is not inhibited in human skeletal muscle despite prior activation of AMPK by high-intensity interval cycling. Am J Physiol Endocriniol. Mar 15;308(6):E470-81

  • Moberg M., Apró W., Ohlsson I., et al. (2014) Absence of leucine in an essential amino acid supplement reduces activation of mTORC1 signalling following resistance exercise in young females. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. Feb;39(2):183-94.

  • Borgenvik (Moberg) M., Nordin M., Mattson CM, et al. (2012) Alterations in amino acid concentrations in the plasma and muscle in human subjects during 24 h of simulated adventure racing. Eur J Appl Physiol. Oct;112(10):3679-88

  • Borgenvik (Moberg) M., Apró W, Blomstrand E. (2012) Intake of branched-chain amino acids influences the levels of MAFbx mRNA and MuRF-1 total protein in resting and exercising human muscle. Am J Physiol Endocriniol. Mar 1;302(5):E510-21